Bar Overdenture

Bar Overdenture combines the benefits of dental implants with the convenience of removable dentures. Crafted with precision at GIE Dental Lab, our skilled technicians collaborate with dentists to create a personalized appliance that snugly fits on a metal bar supported by strategically placed implants.
Unlike traditional dentures, the Locator Bar Overdenture eliminates the discomfort of loose or ill-fitting dentures, allowing wearers to confidently enjoy everyday activities like eating, speaking, and laughing without worry. The dental implants provide a sturdy foundation, preventing slippage and enhancing chewing efficiency, making meals an enjoyable experience once more.
Not only does the Locator Bar Overdenture restore functionality, but it also prioritizes aesthetics. Crafted from high-quality materials, our denture technicians meticulously customize the denture's color, shape, and texture to seamlessly blend with natural teeth, enhancing the wearer's smile and self-confidence.
Beyond its functional and aesthetic advantages, the Locator Bar Overdenture offers long-term durability. With proper care and maintenance, this remarkable solution can last for years, providing patients with a cost-effective alternative to traditional dentures.